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Crib notes: Birthday parties, nasty nannies & more

Pieces of parenting from across the Web. The dad’s duty: One blogging father spells out why it’s important for dads to accompany their kids to birthday parties. Have a nanny horror story to tell but haven’t found the right outlet? Why not check out I Saw Your Nanny to share and read stories from both sides of the delicate parent/nanny divide. Oh fudge! Is there a swearing problem in y

Pieces of parenting from across the Web.

The dad’s duty: One blogging father spells out why it’s important for dads to accompany their kids to birthday parties. Have a nanny horror story to tell but haven’t found the right outlet? Why not check out I Saw Your Nanny to share and read stories from both sides of the delicate parent/nanny divide. Oh fudge! Is there a swearing problem in your house? Well, check out Mighty Mommy’s tips on how to get your kids to clean up their developing potty-mouths. This is just mean: Thugs posing as ice cream men wreak havoc in an unsuspecting Detroit neighborhood and steal a little boy’s bicycle. Parents vow that they’ll catch the cruel culprits. Mommy blogger or Mom who blogs? Examining the phenomenon of the mother who blogs, and why. Lastly, we’re not entirely sure to make of this, but it strikes us as, well, kinda weird: Witness Hollywood bombshell Megan Fox as she borrows her eight-year-old stepson’s t-shirts and wears them herself to show off her enviable midriff. What about you? Spotted anything noteworthy on the Web that you’d like to share with TODAY Moms? Let us know in the comments below.