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Can you afford your holiday purchases?

Ah, the holidays. That special time of the year you overspend on everything from awkward office gifts to the controversial “it” toy of the season. If you're debating a certain purchase, maybe you ought to consider whether it's worth the strain on your wallet. On Wednesday’s TODAY, financial expert Suze Orman breaks down financial scenarios to see whether viewers can really splurge on th

Ah, the holidays. That special time of the year you overspend on everything from awkward office gifts to the controversial “it” toy of the season. If you're debating a certain purchase, maybe you ought to consider whether it's worth the strain on your wallet. On Wednesday’s TODAY, financial expert Suze Orman breaks down financial scenarios to see whether viewers can really splurge on the Christmas gifts they have had their eye on this holiday season. Watch the video And if you're looking to save a bit of cash this year, check out our collection of affordable gift guides: