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Schumer would allow mailing of wine, beer, liquor

Sen. Chuck Schumer says he wants to scrap a Prohibition-era measure so that people can mail wine, beer and liquor to friends and relatives.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Sen. Chuck Schumer says he wants to scrap a Prohibition-era measure so that people can mail wine, beer and liquor to friends and relatives.

He says the measure would be a boost to wine and beer producing states like New York as well as a benefit to the U.S. Postal Service. He says consumers would see a break in the cost because the Postal Service has flat rates for packages. Other carriers often charge by weight and distance.

Currently there are restrictions on mailing wine, beer and spirits. Schumer says he will move to end those restrictions in an upcoming bill regarding the future of the struggling Postal Service.

Schumer says the measure could bring the Postal Service another $225 million a year and he wants to "push the envelope."