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Minnesota water systems compete in taste test

Minnesota utilities are competing "glass to glass" to determine which community has the best tasting drinking water in the state.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Minnesota utilities are competing "glass to glass" to determine which community has the best tasting drinking water in the state.

The winner of the "Best in Glass" taste test will be decided at the Minnesota chapter of the American Water Works Association annual convention Wednesday in Duluth. The event attracts water professionals from across the state and runs through Friday.

Conference attendees will vote to determine the top three contenders out of all of the entries. A panel of taste testing experts will then sample the top three waters and announce this year's big winner.

The winning city takes home a trophy and wall plaque, as well as bragging rights. Last year, St. Cloud Public Utilities took home the Best in Glass trophy. Moorhead won it in 2009 and 2010.