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Brains & Beauty: NFL cheerleaders inspire young girls

Cheerleaders spend their Sundays on the sidelines pumping up the crowd, but a few of these ladies spend the rest of their week at school studying for careers beyond cheering in fields like neuroscience and dentistry. Some NFL cheerleaders have teamed up with a group called “Science Cheerleaders” to encourage young girls to follow their dreams and crush stereotypes. NBC’s Kristen Dahlgren reports.

Cheerleaders spend their Sundays on the sidelines pumping up the crowd, but a few of these ladies spend the rest of their week at school studying for careers beyond cheering in fields like neuroscience and dentistry. Some NFL cheerleaders have teamed up with a group called “Science Cheerleaders” to encourage young girls to follow their dreams and crush stereotypes. NBC’s Kristen Dahlgren reports.