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'Obama Boy' sings about presidential crush

President Obama may be in danger of losing support from bikini-clad Obama Girl (remember her?), but there's a new fan in town who has set his passion to music. Brooklyn's Justin Brown, also known as "Obama Boy," was inspired by Obama's gay-marriage endorsement to belt out his support for the president in a new YouTube video.More: Obama: 'I think same-sex couples should be able to get marriedObama

President Obama may be in danger of losing support from bikini-clad Obama Girl (remember her?), but there's a new fan in town who has set his passion to music.

Brooklyn's Justin Brown, also known as "Obama Boy," was inspired by Obama's gay-marriage endorsement to belt out his support for the president in a new YouTube video.

More: Obama: 'I think same-sex couples should be able to get married

Obama gets 'Call Me Maybe' treatment in viral video

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