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Lego releases minifigure that uses a wheelchair

Grab the box filled with your childhood Legos and brace yourself from some great news! The plastic toy company has released a new minifigure.
/ Source: TODAY

Barbie's not the only one making big news in the toy world.

This week, Lego unveiled a new figure that uses a wheelchair, a move that has disability advocates cheering.


The minifigure, who rocks a knit cap and hoodie, is part of a new Lego City set that debuted at the Nuremberg and London toy fairs earlier this week. It's set to go on sale this summer, NPR reported.

The blog Promobricks shared the images of the new Lego, and since then, fans and advocates have been celebrating.

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Last year, the group Toy Like Me, which calls on the toy industry to better represent kids with disabilities, began lobbying Lego to add disabled figures into its sets.

A petition they launched received more than 20,000 signatures.

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"We've got genuine tears of joy right now... Lego have just rocked our brick-built world," the group said in an update to the petition on Wednesday.

On Twitter later, the group called it a "momentous" occasion.

"The message behind it is far bigger than a little one-inch-tall plastic guy," the group said.

Fans also acknowledged the importance of the newest addition to the Lego family.

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And there's even more reason to get excited — Thursday is International Lego Day!

The TODAY anchors celebrated during Today's Take by debuting Legos in their likenesses.

Tamron, Al, Willie and Natalie look great as the minifigures.

TODAY anchors as legos.
TODAY anchors as legos.Zach Schiffman / TODAY

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