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Crab cakes straight from the Chesapeake Bay

In Maryland, the state bird is the oriole, the state flower is the black-eyed susan, and if there were a state food it would be the crab cake. Chuck Keck is the executive chef of the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, and word on the bay is that he makes the meanest crab cakes around. Keck was invited to share his secrets for great crab cakes on “Today.” Here’s his recipe:

In Maryland, the state bird is the oriole, the state flower is the black-eyed susan, and if there were a state food it would be the crab cake. Chuck Keck is the executive chef of the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club, and word on the bay is that he makes the meanest crab cakes around. Keck was invited to share his secrets for great crab cakes on “Today.” Here’s his recipe: