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Rainbow freckles are the latest wacky beauty trend women are trying

There's no denying that freckles are having a moment in the beauty world. But some women are taking the trend in a more colorful direction.
/ Source: TODAY

Freckles are in! Yes, you heard correctly.

While we've heard time and time again about women trying to cover up the little brownish-red spots that characteristically define their faces, there's no denying that freckles are having a moment in the beauty world.

Fake freckles really made their mark nearly nine months ago, when model Kendall Jenner took to Instagram sporting what would become the "it" look. And while freckles can easily be drawn on using a pencil eyeliner, there are even products now that help you get the look in minutes.

RELATED: How to fake freckles: The beauty trend that's all about spots

But now, some people are having even more fun with the look. They're experimenting with applying colors from across the spectrum on their faces, and the results are actually quite beautiful. Women are taking to Instagram to share their creations with #rainbowfreckles and #coloredfreckles.

And since vibrant, bright colors are quite popular these days when it comes to hair, some women are even trying to match their freckles to their manes.

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YouTube blogger Batalash Beauty, who created a tutorial for rainbow freckles, explains in her video that it's quite easy to get the look. All you need are a bright-colored liquid lipstick and a liner brush, which you probably already have in your makeup bag.

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What differentiates rainbow freckles from faux freckles — aside from the funky colors, of course — is that women are also having fun with the placement of their added spots. Instead of placing them in the natural area around the nose and below the eyes, they're sometimes applying them above the eyebrows.

You can also experiment with the thickness of the freckles. For a more subtle look, try simply using a bright colored eyeliner. For spots that stand out, a liquid lipstick and liner brush, like Batalash Beauty recommends, will be your go-to method.


So what do you think? Will you be joining the rainbow-freckles craze? Perhaps life is more fun with a little bit of color.

RELATED: Why I love my 'freckle face' after years of teasing

For more out of the box beauty ideas, check out TODAY's Wacky Trends Pinterest board.