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'Ansel Adams in Yosemite Valley'

The famed photographer's stunning landscapes showcase the beauty of Yosemite National Park.


'Ansel Adams in Yosemite Valley'

When one thinks of Ansel Adams, images of stunning black-and-white landscapes of the American West come to mind. To celebrate the Yosemite Grant Act of 1864, Peter Galassi, chief curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, selected over a hundred Ansel Adams photos for a new coffee-table book called, "Ansel Adams in Yosemite Valley: Celebrating the Park at 150."

This slide: El Capitan, Winter, 1948

El Capitan, Merced River, Clouds, 1949

The Yosemite Grant Act of 1864, signed by Abraham Lincoln, was the first piece of legislation in history to set aside public lands for the use of a country's citizens, paving the way for the establishment of national parks.

Mount Ansel Adams, Lyell Fork of the Merced River, c. 1935

Ansel Adams first visited Yosemite in 1916, at the age of fourteen, and he returned each year throughout his long life. There, he fell in love with wilderness and the west and became the photographer we know him as today.

Tenaya Lake, Mount Conness, c. 1946

When Adams was fourteen, he read "In the Heart of the Sierras" by James Mason Hutchings, and he convinced his parents to take a vacation in Yosemite National Park. His parents gave him a Kodak Brownie camera for the trip, and Ansel’s interest in photography was born.

1-Y-422, 11/8/05, 1:23 PM, 16G, 5270x6112 (320흮), 100%, Stouffer, 1/120 s, R46.7, G31.9, B53.5

Cathedral Rocks, c. 1949

When he talked about the trip, Adams said, “the splendor of Yosemite burst upon us and it was glorious… One wonder after another descended upon us… There was light everywhere… A new era began for me.”

Yosemite Valley, Winter, c. 1940

His work helped raise awareness of and interest in America’s national parks.

Ansel Adams / Center for Creative Photography,
AA05WC 12, 11/4/03, 11:09 AM,  8C, 5326x6576 (624흝), 100%, 1/60/261/f11.6,  1/60 s, R58.2, G41.5, B62.4

From Glacier Point, c. 1942

In the foreward to Adams' book, "Yosemite and the Range of Light," curator Galassi explained that "the photographs recreate, for me, moods, realities, and magical experiences, and they have been selected for those reasons, not for their physical description of the great western range."

Rock and water, near Spiller Creek, c. 1934

Peter Galassi notes in this book that In Adams' Yosemite, "both rock and water are alive -- the twin elements of an epic without end."

Moon and Half Dome, 1960

“I hope that my work will encourage self expression in others and stimulate the search for beauty and creative excitement in the great world around us.”—Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams photographing Yosemite, 1935

This photo by Cedric Wright shows Adams setting up for a shoot in Yosemite in 1935. Get the book here.
