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Celebrities' own epitaphs, as told to Larry King

The talk-show host asked his celeb pals how they would like to be remembered. The responses are in his new book. Read an excerpt.
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/ Source: TODAY

Over the years, talk-show host Larry King has asked many of his guests a couple questions all of us have pondered: “How would you like to be remembered after your death?” and “What would like your epitaph to read?” Many of those responses are collected in his new book, “Remember Me When I'm Gone,” which he discussed on the “Today” show. Here are some selections:

Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor/governor)"I had fun!"

Betty White (“The Golden Girls”)“It may be said that she really tried. Ask anyone and they will tell you she was a most trying person.”

Donald Trump (“Apprentice” boss, developer)“A man of great vision, who fulfilled many of his dreams, loved his family and was loyal to his friends.”

Kato Kaelin (OJ Simpson houseguest)“I guess my 15 minutes are up.”

Hugh Hefner (Playboy founder)“I'd like to be remembered as someone who played some part in changing our hurtful and hypocritical views on sex — and had a lot of fun doing it.”

Ed McMahon (“The Tonight Show”)"He was a good broadcaster and a great Marine!"

Yoko Ono (musician/artist, widow of John Lennon)“Imagine!”

Martin Sheen (“The West Wing”)“What I'd like to be remembered for? For about five minutes.”

Dr. Joyce Brothers (psychologist/author)“She tried her very best to be helpful to people.

Brad Garrett ("Everybody Loves Raymond")“If this is heaven, where are all the strip joints?” “At least I'm not in France.”“Lincoln is shorter in person.” “What's with all the angels?”“It's Sinatra's heaven, God just lives in it.”

Peter Falk (“Columbo”)“I want to be remembered as the outstanding homicide detective who was in reality an undiscovered Picasso.”

Bob Barker (“The Price Is Right”)“Instead of sending flowers, please have your pets spayed and neutered.”

Sid Caesar (comedian/actor)“At least I made some people laugh!”

Jerry Lewis (comedian/actor)"This guy loved life and the people in it."

Larry King (talk-show host/author)“I am grateful to the listeners who have kept me going all these years and I hope that 50 years from now when people talk about Larry King, they will say, ‘He did a hell of an interview!’"

From “Remember Me When I’m Gone,” by Larry King. Copyright ©2004 by Larry King. Excerpted by permission of Nan A. Talese, an imprint of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.