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Ultimate Toy Bracket: Here's the case for baby dolls!

It's TODAY's Ultimate Toy Bracket, pitting audience-nominated playthings against each other in hopes of finding one toy to rule them all!
/ Source: TODAY

As part of TODAY's Ultimate Toy Bracket, we're pitting audience-nominated toys against one another in the hopes of finding one toy to rule them all. Here's what TODAY fans had to say about baby dolls!

TODAY viewers wrote in to tell us that "kids love to pretend that they’re just like Mommy and Daddy. What better way to imagine they are parents themselves than by owning their own baby doll?" Gone are the days of baby dolls that simply close their eyes or say “mama.” Dolls today "wear (and soil!) real diapers, eat their own baby food, and come with as many accessories as a real infant." That’s right — not only do you feed the baby doll, but you should also "plan to purchase your tiny human a crib, diaper bag and stroller for their tiny plastic version of themselves."

Love baby dolls? Hate baby dolls? Either way, be sure to make your voice heard by voting in our Ultimate Toy Bracket now!