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20 signs you're a mom of girls

Sure, not all little girls are super-girly, but most are still a world away from truck-loving, couch-jumping, nonstop boys. And it shows: If you’ve got a little princess at home, then odds are you've already revealed one or more of these signs that you're a mom of a girl.1. Your laundry is a landmine of loose glitter, melted Chapsticks and crushed seashells.2. You know every word to every Taylo
Signs You're a Mom of Girls
Signs You're a Mom of GirlsAnn Marie Kurtz/E+/Getty Images / Today
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Sure, not all little girls are super-girly, but most are still a world away from truck-loving, couch-jumping, nonstop boys. And it shows: If you’ve got a little princess at home, then odds are you've already revealed one or more of these signs that you're a mom of a girl.

1. Your laundry is a landmine of loose glitter, melted Chapsticks and crushed seashells.

2. You know every word to every Taylor Swift song ever written.

3. You’ve had to justify your pedicure to a kindergartener. (“Because Mommy has a job and that’s why!”)

4. You know all of the names, story lines and princes for every one of the Disney princesses. And, let's face it, you're secretly pretty excited to visit Disney, too. The moment when she first sees Cinderella's castle or "meets" Belle? It's amazing!

5. You’d get all of those stepping-on-LEGO jokes if they substituted Polly Pockets or Littlest Pet Shop.

6. You will circumvent the outside perimeter of the mall in a hailstorm to avoid walking by Claire’s.

7. You've witnessed an epic meltdown unfold over... hair.

8. You've watched your child bat her eyelashes to get what she wants (most often with her dad).

9. You laugh every time she puts on your shoes, gets her "purse" and her "car keys" and tells you she's "going to Costco."

10. You've caved and let your child go to the grocery store wearing a feather boa/princess costume/footy pajamas/tutu because you just couldn’t have the argument one more time.

11. You've scraped stickers off of every conceivable surface.

12. You could go pro with your "Miss Mary Mack" moves.

13. You’ve justified allowing Barbie dolls in your house with the airtight "but she’s a surgeon, an astronaut, a news anchor and a NASCAR driver!" argument.

14. You’ve bribed your child to wear something impossibly cute.

15. You fantasize about your daughter kicking ass at something—playing pool, fixing cars, surfing, playing drums—decidedly un-girly.

16. You have to position your child at dinner in such a way so that there’s no reflective surface in her line of view so that you can actually have eye contact with her.

17. You’ve been the bad witch, the prince, the baby, a fellow princess/mermaid, and, yes, the dog more times than you can count.

18. You’ve searched online for “creative stuffed animal storage” more than once.

19. You’ve watched her perform a sexy dance move and just about fallen off your chair.

20. You love going off with your daughter for some "girl time," even if you're not really a girly-girl.

Jenna McCarthy is an internationally published writer, TED speaker and the author of five books including If It Was Easy They'd Call the Whole Damn Thing a Honeymoon: Living with and Loving the TV-Addicted, Sex-Obsessed, Not-so-handy Man You Married (Berkley Books, 2011). Find her at, Twitter and Google +.

A version of this story originally appeared on iVillage.