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'I ♥ boobies' bracelets: Charity by subterfuge?

A new story on the fiscal implications of the Keep A Breast Foundation’s unwieldy windfall in the wake of their “i ♥ boobies” cause bracelet campaign raised a few questions here at TODAY Moms about the other ramifications of the story.It’s relatively no surprise that an item emblazoned with the word “boobies” has taken off like hotcakes among teenage boys (so much so that certain sch / Today
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A new story on the fiscal implications of the Keep A Breast Foundation’s unwieldy windfall in the wake of their “i ♥ boobies” cause bracelet campaign raised a few questions here at TODAY Moms about the other ramifications of the story.

It’s relatively no surprise that an item emblazoned with the word “boobies” has taken off like hotcakes among teenage boys (so much so that certain schools have bannedthebracelet), but does that really “count” as raising awareness? By appealing – knowingly or otherwise – to the “Beavis & Butthead” contingent (i.e., those easily reduced to fits of prurient snickering at the utterance of certain key words), has the Keep A Breast Foundation achieved their goal by subterfuge? Is the average high school teen sporting one of these bracelets honestly concerned – or even aware – of its intended function?

By the same token, does it even matter if they aren’t?

UPDATE: The "boobies" controversy took a new turn on Monday as two Philadelphia moms took their school district to court after their daughters were suspended from wearing the bracelets. School officials say the bracelets were banned for being distracting, vulgar and demeaning, while the mothers are alleging that the district’s disciplinary actions against their daughters impinge on their First Amendmant rights. Click here to read the full story.

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