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‘I do, you don’t’: Nine wild and wacky prenups

From the sex-life clause to who gets the frequent-flier miles and  opera season tickets, a  top matrimonial lawyer shares the wild and bizarre situations he's encountered when dealing with husbands and wives.
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A top matrimonial lawyer, Raoul Felder's prenup targets have included film director Martin Scorsese and weatherman Al Roker. Here are some of the more bizarre situations he's navigated:

Couples who insist on a sex-life clause Typical line: “We shall have sex not less than four times per week, but not more than seven.”

The right to impose a monetary fine for weight gain One couple stipulated that unless each party lost a specified amount of weight, they couldn't have sex — ever.

Chore clauses
These specify who is responsible for tasks such as taking out the garbage or feeding the dog.

No smoking
“You'd be surprised by the number of times one of the parties has asthma and still has to specifically state in the agreement that there will be no smoking in the house,” he says.

Trust-fund offspring often bring in their parents as signeesExcuse: “My parents won't let me get married unless I keep the family inheritance to myself.”

Breaking the news at the last second
At one outdoor wedding, the guests were seated, and the bride and groom were behind the bushes arguing about the prenup.

The minutiae
Some couples dig down into details such as who gets the frequent-flier miles and opera tickets.

Custody issues
While some people try to predetermine custody issues and visitation rights for yet unborn children, it won't wash. Couples have to go to court to work out such things.

There's a double standard here: Wealthy grooms have said, “If I cheat on you and the marriage breaks up, you get X amount. If you cheat on me, you get a lot less. And forget the house.”

Prenups often lead to a breakup. We're talking before the marriage takes place.

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