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Kings of Leon drummer responds in 'Glee' fight

Sounds like somebody could use a timeout. After Glee creator Ryan Murphy cursed out the band in The Hollywood Reporter for refusing to license "Use Somebody," Kings of Leon drummer Nathan Followill took to his Twitter page with a rant of his own.
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/ Source: E!online

Sounds like somebody could use a timeout.

After Glee creator Ryan Murphy cursed out the band in The Hollywood Reporter for refusing to license "Use Somebody," Kings of Leon drummer Nathan Followill took to his Twitter page with a rant of his own.

How bad was it? So bad he then tweeted an apology two hours later.

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In the wake of Murphy's foul-mouthed tirade, the drummer offered this less-than-considered response:

"Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go," Nathan tweeted. "See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra. Zip your lip and focus on educating 7 yr olds how to say f--k."

Well, Nathan, that was a quick way to cede the high ground.

But Followill soon backtracked, tweeting an apology just two hours later.

"I'm sorry 4 anyone that misconstrued my comments as homophobic or mysoginistic. I'm so not that kind of person. I really do apologize," he wrote.

This Glee-KOL war started back in August when the band's frontman, Caleb Followill, told a U.K. music site that the Kings had rejected the Gleek request, even though Caleb admitted, "Apparently everybody loves it."

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Prior to his brother taking to Twitter, Caleb had also provided a more measured, mature-sounding response to Murphy's THR comments, saying "This was never meant as a slap in the face to Glee or to music education or to fans of the show."

So what have we learned here — other than to never, ever to let the drummer tweet?

Words hurt and music heals, so how about all you guys calm down, bury the hatchet and turn all this hot-headed drama into a cool musical number about forgiveness?