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Bobbie’s buzz: Stylish products to help fitness resolutions

From bead bracelets to calorie trackers, TODAY style editor Bobbie Thomas shares fun items to keep your health in check for 2011.
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/ Source: TODAY contributor

Being fit and healthy is all about balance and staying on track. And since the new year is a great time to jump-start a new routine, I wanted to share an assortment of products that promise to help you keep your resolutions:

Smart and stylish servings
It’s important to pay attention to your portions. I’m a big fan of Slimware portion consciousness plates. The chic designs help remind you of the perfect portions, while Measure Up’s bowls help you do the same with cereal, soup, etc. — thanks to the lines etched inside the bowl ($29.99; available at ).

Wrist reminders
Whether your goal this year is to eat healthier, exercise more often or quit smoking, Count Me Healthy bracelets are a stylish way to keep track of your progress. A “health journal for your wrist,” the beads represent any numeric goal you are trying to achieve. Every time you drink a glass of water or attend a yoga glass, simply slide a bead from one side to the other. A great daily reminder to keep your health a top priority ($80; ). For anyone looking to maximize their workout or add a little extra exercise to their daily routine, Banglz are soft, wearable wrist and ankle weights. The 1/2-lb. and 1-lb. wrist weights can be worn while running errands, playing with the kids or doing household tasks, and the 1-lb. ankle weights will help tone your legs, hips and glutes when worn during a workout session or under your jeans ($18.95-$27.95; ).

Calorie counting
Gone are the days of toting around bulky notebooks to log your calorie intake and painstakingly weighing all of your food before you eat. The NutriCounter diet calculator by Head2Toe Fit ($35.50;) is small, lightweight, and can track the calories, carbohydrates, sugars, fats, proteins, fiber and sodium in more than 2,000 listed foods, while the Portable Nutritional Scale by Escali ($79.95; ) displays all of the nutritional information of your food via the input of 999 different food codes. Now you can always have the information you need to stay on track right at your fingertips.