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Tamron's Tuesday Trend: High-tech kitchen tools act like a personal sous chef

Times have most certainly changed since food-stained cookbooks cluttered kitchens everywhere. But what other technology is out there?
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/ Source: TODAY

Times have most certainly changed since food-stained cookbooks cluttered kitchens everywhere. In fact, a recent study by Nextmarket Insights found that 24 percent of home cooks regularly use a tablet or smartphone to help them out. But what other technology is out there?

Justin Chapple from Food & Wine magazine's "Mad Genius Tips" came on TODAY Tuesday to share some of his favorite high-tech items.

The Smoking Gun Handheld Food Smoker, $99.95,

Turn anything — salads, chocolate, sauces, butters or even fruit — into a unique treat by adding flavored smoke. Just fill the chamber with the flavor of your choosing, light the gun and apply the smoke where needed.

Icecap Wine Chiller + Aerator, $34.99,

The number one rule of wine is serving it at the correct temperature. Icecap is a handy new invention that will help you reach the right level by aerating and cooling your room-temperature wine to cellar temperature in just seconds.

Nostalgia Electrics Baked Taco Shell Toaster, $19.99,

Create your own hard taco shells in a flash! Simply place standard tortillas into the molds and put them in the toaster. Choose how well-done you prefer your tacos and press the lever down. Voila, out comes healthy, crunchy and delicious baked taco shells!

iGrill Mini or Kitchen Thermometer Mini, $39.99,

Say goodbye to second guessing your grill work. This pocket-sized thermometer tracks the temperature of your meat while it cooks and updates you throughout the process with an easy-to-read color code. Need to walk away from the grill? The device will send notifications to your smart phone via a free app. It's like having your own sous chef!

Taylor Digital Measuring Cup and Scale, $21.49,

Baking is a science that require very exact measurements and now, there's no need to wonder if you're hitting the mark. This combination measuring cup and digital scale automatically converts five pre-set ingredients — flour, sugar, milk, water and oil — from ounces (weight) to cups (volume). Plus, it's super easy to use.

Chef's Choice Electric Egg Cooker, $39.95,

They say that eggs can be the most difficult ingredient of all to cook, but it's never been more foolproof. This machine allows you to prepare up to seven eggs at a time, from soft-cooked to hard-boiled. They don't even need to all be prepared in the same way. Time to invite everyone over for brunch!