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Jenna Bush Hager: How TODAY's men view the male grooming boom

There is a relatively new dichotomy in men’s apparel, and a new language to go along with it. Words like “murse” (yes, man purse), and “mewelry” (man-jewelry) have been introduced into our vernacular to describe new products for men. I've noticed this phenomenon with my own husband (although he may not want me to share, I will). He is the perfect example of a new breed of men: In the la
Jeff Rossen gets a spray tan.
Jeff Rossen gets a spray tan.TODAY / Today

There is a relatively new dichotomy in men’s apparel, and a new language to go along with it. Words like “murse” (yes, man purse), and “mewelry” (man-jewelry) have been introduced into our vernacular to describe new products for men. 

I've noticed this phenomenon with my own husband (although he may not want me to share, I will). He is the perfect example of a new breed of men: In the last five years, even though he may not admit it, he cares more about fashion. He doesn't shave on weekends, but still carefully chooses his "rugged wear" clothes. He's started wearing more tailored suits and skinny ties, and belts have become a serious accessory. Simply put: He cares more. But, that being said, he would never get a man-icure, wear a mankini, mewelry, or even colored jeans. And he would never carry anything called a “murse.” Ever.

This blurred line between what we used to think of as “metrosexual” and men who just don't care had us wondering: Who is this modern man? Since my husband wouldn't partake in the fun, we asked my other favorite men – the men of TODAY: What are their grooming and fashion routines? And believe me, this man-signment was so much fun...

Matt is quite insistent on the distinction between a man-bag and a murse.
Matt is quite insistent on the distinction between a man-bag and a murse.TODAY / Today


On the weekends, Matt wears jeans, but not dad jeans. And don’t EVER call his “briefcase” a murse. “I do not spend a lot of time thinking about what I wear on the weekend," he said. “I do care about my appearance, but I'm also on television, so you have to.”


Al likes products from The Art of Shaving. As for fashion, he loves suspenders. We loved that Al let us give him a metro makeover, but I'm not sure any of the ideas stuck. Al is a great dresser already, and comfortable in his own skin ... just don't expect he'll ever carry a murse!

Al enjoys a pampering pedicure while Jenna looks on.
Al enjoys a pampering pedicure while Jenna looks on.TODAY / Today


You won't see him without his signature flower. “My personal style is so simple. I can do it for funerals, I can do it for cocktail parties, boat launching. It’s a blue blazer, a blue shirt, and then if you open it up like this and take the tie off ... I think (I've been wearing the flower) for 60 years. Somebody in elementary school sent me a flower and asked if I'd make an announcement about a school fair. I've been wearing it ever since. This is identity. They do all these surveys about TV people, and even if they don't know who I am, they go, ‘That's the guy on the TODAY show with the flower.’ ”


Carl would wear gray every day if he could. “I pick out my clothes. My wife is asleep when I get dressed and I set it out the night before so I don’t wake her up. Although … my wife should probably pick out my clothes.”

Jeff Rossen gets a spray tan.
Jeff Rossen gets a spray tan.TODAY / Today


Jeff has been to the Clinique counter to buy makeup. They asked him if he was buying it for someone special in his life. He was, only it was him! He also uses hair spray and carries a compact (don't be surprised: He's on TV!). And he was a great sport to try a spray tan for the my report, but let's just say he didn't hate it! Meet Jeff "Snooki" Rossen! 

What do you think about the male grooming boom? Would you carry a murse – or would you let your man carry one?