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Your favorite couples

Why readers love to watch these reality-TV pairs
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Ah, Rob and Amber. They've captured a unique prize in the reality-TV world: appearing on not one but two reality shows, bringing their on-video romance into all our living rooms.

They're not just at the front of the pack on CBS' "The Amazing Race." They also captivated our readers, pulling ahead into a clear lead in our vote for the most compelling couple on reality TV. Many of you sounded inspired by their drive to win.

They weren't without a bit of competition, though.  Plenty of you also adored Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey for their off-kilter marriage primer on MTV. And Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne were a hit as well, proving that new relationships aren't always the most interesting to watch.

No surprise: Jonathan and Victoria, whose on-air "Amazing Race" scuffling left many viewers aghast, came in dead last.  Yes, we know Jonathan's disgusted with himself. TV viewers' memories die hard.

But Brit and Kev might want to rethink that UPN show planned for May; they fared hardly any better, which could mean that no one expects the train wreck their relationship is reported to be will survive. Or it could just mean we don't want to watch it on TV.  (Some of you just wanted to tune out entirely. Wrote one reader: "I think they are all disgusting — couldn't you come up with any couples with a little more on their minds than this group?")

Many also suggested other couples we didn't include in our original vote, and including one couple that got overwhelming support: Byron Velvick and Mary Delgado from the sixth season of ABC's "The Bachelor."  We thought it was weird that they've so suddenly vanished.  (We couldn't even find a good recent photo of them!) But maybe they're more focused on each other than keeping us happy.

Some of your comments:

Rob and Amber ("Survivor," "The Amazing Race")
Tracey, Tennessee: "Rob and Amber are awesome. Okay, Rob is awesome. He brings 'reality' TV to a whole new level. I'd watch him in about anything just to see what he'll do next."

Beth, Michigan: "Rob can be such a snot, but he is so likable while he is being mean."

Chrisi, Indiana: " ... Rob can get anyone do anything he says. Usually no questions asked and they know he lies, but they do it anyway."

Kristol, Virginia: "I love the way they sneak special little glances at each other and they are both hot!! Love Rob's accent too."

Sylver, Texas: "He said it best when they started. Love me, have fun with me and let's not be last. He's a jerk, but they are in it to win."

Jean, Alabama: "Rob and Amber, because he is always thinking and they're both so cute!"

Janis, Alberta: "He does such totally typical guy stuff you just have to smile, and there she is standing by her man, knowing he's doing something that someone else thinks just sucks. They have that youth and energy thing about them and we all feel like we actually know them and can get a chuckle out of his devious deeds every week."

Marjorie, Arizona: "As annoying as Rob can be, there is no doubt they are extremely good at this game, more so than anyone before. I dislike the other teams' hatred of them and therefore you end up rooting for them all the way. ... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make Britney and that person she married go away."

Byron and Mary ("The Bachelor")
Jan, Pennsylvania: "Mary Delgado & Byron Velvick are the most compelling couple of all and shame on you — they are not even listed!! This couple might be the only other couple from the Bachelor that will live happily ever after!"

Susan: "Their love story had me on the edge of my seat and I literally cheered when they became engaged."

Judy, New York: "It probably [was] the first time I see two people really fall in love on TV despite the editing."

Karen, Texas: "It was the most romantic proposal in reality TV history ... and they are making a real life for themselves."

Veronica, Georgia: "A mature couple who's genuinely in love. They deserve to be included in this poll!!"

Ozzy and Sharon ("The Osbournes")
Gwen, Florida: "Ozzy and Sharon because they have been through it all together and survived."

Gabriella, Michigan: "Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne are the only people in your list of favorites that are even close to reality. The rest are just shows with really bad actors looking for fame or a confirmation of acceptance."

Coleena, Indiana: "I respect them more as a family now after seeing the show ... I love them so much. Plus I have seen Ozzy in concert twice, loved it!"

Nick and Jessica ("Newlyweds")
Jackie, Missouri: "Nick and Jessica because we hear so much about them in the media and they seem to fit so nicely into what the media want to portray. We then turn on our televisions and see that they are just like any other couple minus all the money of course."

Jessica, New York: "They really love each other, she's really that blonde sometimes, he's really that patient."

Andrea, Jamaica: "They are so natural and Nick is so himself. When he's watching his games, he doesn't hold back. If necessary he belts out a laughter, or he screams, he's just himself. Jessica doesn't try to pretend what she can do from what she can't, e.g. cooking. Ain't nothing wrong with that."

Kimberly, New York: "They truly seem love each other. They remind me so much of my husband and myself!!!!"

Amy, Georgia: "They seem to truly care about one another and they are absolutly adorable together. Every girl needs a 'Nick' Lachey — he is to die for!!!"

Britney and Kevin
Ali, Illinois:
"Britney has a force about her like nobody else. People want to see her, know about her, they love her, hate her, it doesnt matter. Britney will always be the most watched, she just knows how to pull you in."

Jessica, South Carolina: "Britney and Kevin because I look up to Britney as my role model. and I like she finally is in love with somebody who loves her for her and not for her money."

Nikki, New York: "I tell you which realty couple I had totally had enough of — Rob & Amber! She has turned into as big of a pompous idiot as he is. I really hope their 15 minutes of fame is almost over. I would rather watch Britney & Kevin any day."

Other contenders
Stacy, Tennessee:
"Simon and Paula. They aren't even a couple and they still get all the hype about it. I HATE Amber and Rob. Well I don't hate Amber just Rob. He's so obnoxious and selfish."

Kristi, Ohio: "They aren't hot and young, but I am most drawn to the 'old married couples' the 'Amazing Race' features, season after season. Right now, it is a toss up between Meredith & Gretchen and Uchenna & Joyce. These are real people who show the ups and downs of a relationship but always come out showing that they respect and care for each other, regardless of the circumstances."

Nat: "Trista and Ryan by far! They are a true love story. They were successful right from the start. They adore each other, they're happily married and that's what it's all about!"

Amber, Colorado: "Carmen and Dave!!!!! I always liked Dave Navarro but thought Carmen Electra was sort of trashy. After the show I realized how complex Carmen is, she is very intelligent and considerate. Dave is amazing too, after battling heroin addition it was intriguing to see the couple's relationship. Definitely an underrated reality couple."

Jane, Kentucky: "Brigitte and Flav are definately #1. They are extremely weird, but definitely fun to watch. You never know what to expect; what crazy stunt they're going try next."

Kim, Tennessee: "I loved to hate Jonathan & Victoria. I am in the minority in thinking that Jonathan wasn't mean or nasty to Victoria, if I had to put up with her incessant whining and crying, I would have hit her, pushed her in front of a moving vehicle or anything to shut her up. Any married couple that watches Amazing Race and doesn't think they will argue like those on TV are kidding themselves."

Brian, California: "The 'Brady' and the 'Beauty' [Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry] from the current "Surreal Life". My wife and I sat beside them at the U2 concert in L.A. last night, and they are the most REAL, cute couple going."