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Wow! Turns out, you love to sleep in the nude!

Last week, Kathie Lee and Hoda professed their love for sleeping in the buff. We asked you if this was normal, and the response was an overwhelming, resounding "YES."Turns out that many of you are adamant about sleeping in the buff — when at home, at a hotel, or even camping. ("What if a bear comes?" wondered Kathie Lee.) A whopping 89% of you are fully committed to skinnynapping, and recommende

Last week, Kathie Lee and Hoda professed their love for sleeping in the buff. We asked you if this was normal, and the response was an overwhelming, resounding "YES."

Turns out that many of you are adamant about sleeping in the buff — when at home, at a hotel, or even camping. ("What if a bear comes?" wondered Kathie Lee.) A whopping 89% of you are fully committed to skinnynapping, and recommended our post over 2,000 times on Facebook like a bunch of nudie evangelists. Here are few highlight comments:

Hawkinflt: No clothes in bed ever, does not matter where, home, friends places, hotel, even when camping!

BJames4446: Naked is the way to go..... Course My Mom did not like it when she visited but oh well, gotta agree with Hoda and Kathie Lee

Sara-2050: Bed clothes are restricting! Started wearing nothing in college when I realized I was the only one in a nightgown. 50 years later still not wearing one, and my husband doesn't object! :)

"Of course, my mom doesn't like it when she visits," shrugged KLG.

Some viewers said that the only reason to cover up is for propriety's sake. Like, if you have a college roommate, or visiting family.

Haven't weighted in on this topic? It's not too late, tell us what you think and vote in our poll, here.

Julieanne Smolinski is a contributor. She worries about bears when making most of her wardrobe choices.

More: Sleeping naked: Is it normal or not?

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