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Will you watch the Academy Awards?

Take our quiz about Oscars, movies, Hollywood
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Hollywood is preparing for its biggest night — the 78th annual Academy Awards. The campaigning to solicit votes from Academy voters is over and the winners will be announced beginning at 8 p.m. ET on Sunday.

Moviegoers vote each week for the movies they like — at the box office. And while most of the films nominated for Best Picture did well at the box office, none were runaway blockbusters. Which begs the question — is Hollywood really in touch with the tastes of American moviegoers? Do the nominated films reflect the values of Americans, or Hollywood? Do you intend to watch the Oscars? and Zogby have teamed up to try and find out. Zogby International, the renowned polling company, has set up a poll to ask readers what they think about Hollywood, the movies and the Oscars. We will publish the results on March 9. Please share your thoughts on the Oscars with us and come back on March 9 to find out what other readers think.