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Will Gwyneth Paltrow Return to Glee? Ryan Murphy Tells Us

Let the Emmy campaign begin right here, 'cause Gwyneth Paltrow was an explosion of awesome on last night's Glee. Proof: Her version of "Forget You" is already number one (!) on iTunes! And early ratings results show Gwyneth's ep pulled in the show's biggest audience (11.6 million) since Britney.
/ Source: E!online

Let the Emmy campaign begin right here, 'cause Gwyneth Paltrow was an explosion of awesome on last night's Glee. Proof: Her version of "Forget You" is already number one (!) on iTunes! And early ratings results show Gwyneth's ep pulled in the show's biggest audience (11.6 million) since Britney.

So you fans are asking: Will Gwyneth be back?

Here's what Glee's big boss Ryan Murphy just told me...

"[Gwyneth] and I want her to come back. It depends on [the] story...I love her."

You hear that, fans? That's a solid "maybe" and we'll take it! Given the outpouring of Gwyneth love after last night's episode--not to mention the iTunes and Nielsen's backing this morning--something tells me Gwyneth will find her way back to McKinley.

Now about that Emmy.

Dear Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, you may as well just ship Gwyneth Paltrow that guest-star trophy already, even though the actual ceremony is 10 months away. At this point the whole process just seems a technicality, doesn't it?

Even the most skeptical of fans seem to have been pleasantly surprised by Gwyneth's performance last night, as she became TV's most instantly loveable substitute teacher of all time--singing, dancing and cracking some of Glee's best-ever one-liners (shout out to Ian Brennan, who wrote the episode).

Did you love Gwyneth on Glee last night? Do you want her to return? Would you support her Emmy run? (Duh. Duh. And duh. Right?)

Hit our comments section below.

And stand by. More Glee scoop is on the way today...

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