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Which Scream 4 Starlet Has a Case of...Worms?!

If being green means getting some worms, then so be it.
/ Source: E!online

If being green means getting some worms, then so be it.

And one at least one of the starlets of Scream 4 isn't afraid to admit it--yes, she has a case of worms.

Don't believe me? Read on for the dirty scoop...

READ: Scream 4: Biggest Bloodbath Yet, Says Adam Brody

Aimee Teegarden says the apple doesn't fall far from her green family tree. Like her mom had when she was growing up, Teegarden has her own worm bin.

"We had it back in the day before it was cool," Teegarden says.

I'll confess--I didn't exactly know that worm bins were cool because, well, I didn't even know what they were until I met Teegarden.

"It's a giant tub and you have worms and dirt in it," Teegarden explained. "You throw your scraps in that you normally throw away. Then you have amazing worm castings for your soil. So I put it back into my herb garden."

When I mention I just may have to try it out, Teegarden tells me exactly what to do. "Go to," she said. "They sell a kit and it doesn't smell so bad."

My neighbors will definetely appreciate that.

PHOTOS: Eco-Disaster Flicks