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Vote for the songs you want to hear on ‘Today’

Kenny Chesney, Bon Jovi and Tim McGraw perform back-to-back concerts live on Rockefeller Plaza. Pick atune from each artist.

It's three days of back-to-back concerts, and you, the viewer, get to choose a song. Starting Monday, Nov. 22, Kenny Chesney brings a little bit of country to Rockefeller Plaza with a live performance outside Studio 1A. Next up are the boys from New Jersey, Bon Jovi, as they rock the plaza Tuesday, Nov. 23. Finally, Grammy Award-winning country singer Tim McGraw closes the three-day music fest on Wednesday, Nov. 24. Now it's up to you to tell "Today" what song you would like to hear during each of the performances. Make your choice below, and be sure to watch "Today" the week of Nov. 22 to see which songs viewers picked.