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Taylor Lautner Meets the Parents

We told you last week that things were oddly getting more serious between Taylor Lautner and his costar slash girlfriend Lily Collins, and it doesn't look like they are slowing down.
/ Source: E!online

We told you last week that things were oddly getting more serious between Taylor Lautner and his costar slash girlfriend Lily Collins, and it doesn't look like they are slowing down.

According to Marie Claire, Tay recently met Lily's famous pop Phil Collins--and it seems he has given his werewolf stamp of approval.

So are these two the real deal? Here's what we're hearing:

READ: Taylor Sweet on Lily Collins

Marie Claire reports that Lautner "impressed" Phil, who is usually a tough critic on Lily's choice in boys.

That doesn't surprise us at all, 'cause trust, T.L. is oh so charming when he flashes those pearly whites. Those on Team Edward are about the only folks that little six-pack can't impress.

According to some of our Breaking Dawn insiders, the cast and crew are very aware of Taylor's current gal-pal, and seem to like these two together.

We hear that Lily has visited Lautner in Louisiana, where he has been filming the final Twilight installments. And unlike another certain high-profile couple (hint: not Robsten), our sources confirm these two make it a point to stay under the radar.

First multiple non-papped dates in Los Angeles, now this? The fact that Lily and Taylor are not publicly prancing around, dare we say it, gives us a little hope for these two.

This certainly is not the route Lautner went with his last ber-famous girlfriend, Taylor Swift (which is a good thing).

What do you think, are you all into Tily? Or is it too soon to even name them?

PHOTOS: Kissing Costars: Movies