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Stiles: ‘Omen’ remake was ‘tempting the fates’

The actress, who stars in a remake of the 1976 horror classic,  says the original gave her horrible nightmares.
/ Source: The Associated Press

Julia Stiles says shooting a remake of the 1976 horror classic, “The Omen,” was a real nightmare for her because the original scared her so much.

“I think I kind of absorbed a lot of the imagery from it and the themes in it and so I had horrible nightmares while we were shooting. I kept dreaming images from the original,” the 25-year-old actress told reporters recently, according to AP Radio.

Stiles, whose screen credits also include “The Bourne Identity” and “Mona Lisa Smile,” said she was very superstitious while making the movie.

“I was very scared. I kept thinking that we were tempting the fates,” said Stiles, so she wouldn’t let anyone say the words “devil” or “spirits” on the set, “and before certain scenes, we would have to remind ourselves that it was a work of fiction.”

Stiles, who considers herself pretty tough when it comes to stunts, said having to fall 30 feet from a balcony was the scariest thing she’s done on film.

“I was surprised and terrified. I am normally very much of a daredevil, especially on a movie set ’cause I have this naive idea that everything is safe on a movie set.

“And I noticed that they scheduled the stunt for one of my last days of shooting, which made me very skeptical,” she said. “But it was a lot of fun.”