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Soup Top 5: Reality Invades Bethenny's Reality Show! Bethenny Gets Mad!

It's that time again, folks. Silence your cell phones and enjoy the best of your Soup week.
/ Source: E!online

It's that time again, folks. Silence your cell phones and enjoy the best of your Soup week.

1. Bethenny Ever After: When Bethenny Frankel signed up for Bethenny Ever After, a reality show in which camera crews would film her life for national television, apparenty she didn't realize that she was signing up for a reality show in which camera crews would film her life for national television. Them's the breaks.

One down, four to go!

2. Dancing With the Stars: Poor Joe Jonas. Maybe someday he'll get beyond first base with hot Disney vixen Chelsea Kane. The little tease.

3. Sister Wives: When it comes to Kody Brown's dedication to wife collecting, it's like father, like son. But now the old man is a bit long in the tooth. Can he get back in the saddle?

4. Ghost Adventures: There's so much on this show that's obviously not real it's hard to know where to begin. Then there's the school bus full of kids that think Zak Bagans is sexy. So maybe we do know where to begin. At the very least, they finally find something that's truly frightening.

5. Cheaters: You don't need Cheaters to know that when you find sexy, intimate photos of your GF on her camera and they haven't been taken for you, there's a problem. Unless you're this guy.