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Remember Little Darth? Meet Little Thor!

Sure, the film stars an Oscar winner (Natalie Portman) and features a titular hero who isn't averse to going shirtless (Chris Hemsworth), but what if that isn't enough to get you in the theater?
/ Source: E!online

Sure, the film stars an Oscar winner (Natalie Portman) and features a titular hero who isn't averse to going shirtless (Chris Hemsworth), but what if that isn't enough to get you in the theater?

Enter Little Thor.

In this Thor-sponsored spoof of the popular Volkswagen "The Force" commercial, Little Thor is having the same issues the wee Dark Lord encountered. He just can't seem to wield the power of his trusty hammer. What's a superhero to do when his mojo seems to have been all but zapped? Wait for dad and his shiny new car to come home, naturally. Only this time, in a nice twist, it looks like more than just the remote-controlled locks were activated.

So who's the mightiest marketer of them all? Have to say, this definitely got us even more excited for the movie to finally hit theaters.

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