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The Queen Turns 85, Hands Out Money

Happy birthday, Queen Elizabeth! The royal wedding may be the most buzzed about upcoming event in London, but her majesty also turns 85 today.
/ Source: E!online

Happy birthday, Queen Elizabeth! The royal wedding may be the most buzzed about upcoming event in London, but her majesty also turns 85 today.

And for once, she was the one handing out gifts instead of recieving them herself.

So what did the birthday girl give her loyal subjects? Commemorative sick bags or condoms featuring Prince William and Kate Middleton, perhaps?

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Actually, the queen handed out change.

See, her birthday coincides with Maundy Thursday, the day that marks Jesus' last supper.

Traditionally, she gives coin purses to as many men and women as the years in her life.

So today, 85 British gentlemen and 85 ladies recieved coin purses courtesy of the queen at Westminster Abbey. But don't be too jealous...the coins were only worth around $8 each.

This whole ceremony served as sort of a dry run for Wills and Kate's wedding, as the choir and musicians playing today will also perform at the wedding. Technicians also a chance to test their lighting and cameras.

Looks like everything is all ready for a royally good time on April 29!

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