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Photo Experts: Nudie Jake Gyllenhaal Pic Is a Fake!

The world stopped today. No, not with word of Donald Trump not running for president or of Demi Lovato stripping down to almost nothing, but rather Jake Gyllenhaal taking it all off! Only problem? Apparently, he didn't.
/ Source: E!online

The world stopped today. No, not with word of Donald Trump not running for president or of Demi Lovato stripping down to almost nothing, but rather Jake Gyllenhaal taking it all off! Only problem? Apparently, he didn't.

Well, that's at least what some experts are saying, not to mention Jake himself. Could they all be wrong? Is Jake fibbing? Did he totally do this barely clothed homage to gay disco queen Grace Jones?

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In a word? No.

"It's a fake," says Jake's rep, regarding the picture that has Jake impersonating an old Jones album cover and which seems to have mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.

"The skin tones are really good," says one of our best online photo experts, "but the shadows are completely off. Look how there aren't any against the wall, or along the body anywhere. It's a fake."

"Also, the hand," remarked another photo pro. "It's off, it shows the photo's been doctored."

Our own E! photo wizards say the lighting between the room of the hotel (which, apparently, supplies matching carpet and socks for its guests), and that of Jake's body also do not match.

Damn! This could have been so fab, Jake! Why didn't you do this pose, for real?

Taylor never would have bothered you for a caramel non-fat mocha-latte again!

PHOTOS: No Pants, No Problem!