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Lara Logan Opens Up on Her Horrific Assault: "Everything Went Wrong"

No one could have imagined the horror that Lara Logan experienced as she was sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo the night Hosni Mubarak's government fell in February.
/ Source: E!online

No one could have imagined the horror that Lara Logan experienced as she was sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo the night Hosni Mubarak's government fell in February.

But now, the 60 Minutes correspondent has decided to open up and talk about that horrendous night.

Hear what she had to say...

MORE: Five things to know about Lara Logan

"There was a moment that everything went wrong," she recalled.

The New York Times reports that Egyptian colleagues who were accompanying Logan and her camera crew as they covered the events overheard men in the crowd saying they wanted to take Logan's pants off.

"Our local people with us said, 'We've gotta get out of here.' That was literally the moment the mob set on me," she said.

"My clothes were torn to pieces."

In a 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley, Logan said, "There was no doubt in my mind that I was in the process of dying. I thought not only am I going to die, but it's going to be just a torturous death that's going to go on forever."

When seeing her children, Logan said she "felt like I had been given a second chance that I didn't deserve...because I did that to them. I came so close to leaving them, to abandoning them.

"I am so much stronger [now]," she said.

After her 60 Minutes interview is broadcast, Logan has decided to close the book on this subject and not do any more interviews.

"I don't want this to define me," she said.

MORE: Lara Logan released from hospital in "remarkably good spirits"