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Lady Gaga dons a meat bikini for Vogue

Meat bikini. Bikini tartare. Call Lady Gaga's September cover of Vogue Hommes Japan what you will. Or, maybe just call it typical strange behavior from a singer who often takes her fashion cues from beekeepers and door wreaths. PETA has chimed in on the Terry Richardson-shot cover, saying "meat is something you want to avoid putting on or in your body," and that "no matter how beautifully it is

Meat bikini. Bikini tartare. Call Lady Gaga's September cover of Vogue Hommes Japan what you will. Or, maybe just call it typical strange behavior from a singer who often takes her fashion cues from beekeepers and door wreaths. PETA has chimed in on the Terry Richardson-shot cover, saying "meat is something you want to avoid putting on or in your body," and that "no matter how beautifully it is presented, flesh from a tortured animal is flesh from a tortured animal." While she's not always covering her bits in bacon, there's no shortgage of Gaga fashion moments in this slideshow.