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Did Hangover II Rip Off Tyson Tattoo?

Apparently, there is at least one person in the world who doesn't find the Wolfpack very funny.
/ Source: E!online

Apparently, there is at least one person in the world who doesn't find the Wolfpack very funny.

The ink mastermind who came up with Mike Tyson's famous facial tattoo has filed suit against Warner Bros., accusing the studio of ripping him off via a very similar-looking design on Ed Helms' mug in the upcoming The Hangover Part II.

Dude's so pissed, he wants a judge to block the movie's Memorial Day weekend release.

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Per the complaint filed in federal court in St. Louis, plaintiff S. Victor Whitmill claims the ex-champ (who had a funny cameo in 2009's original Hangover) gave the artist the right to own--"and thus copyright"--what Whitmill calls "one of the most distinctive tattoos in the nation."

Whitmill offered up as proof a release with Tyson's signature and photographs of the artist chiseling the design on the former fighter's face in Las Vegas in 2003. In addition to an injunction blocking the film's release, the tattman is also seeking a hefty payday for his troubles.

Warner Bros. has declined to comment.

What do you think? Is Helms' facial tattoo too close to Tyson's? Does it even matter? Sound off below.

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