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Crazy Royal Hats, Wedding Edition: Who Had Zanier Headgear Than Even Princess Beatrice?!

We may never again see hats as ludicrous as the ones worn by Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie to their cousin Prince William's wedding. British royals love their over-the-top headgear, and this great state occasion was no exception, as the nobility in attendance went all out with the extreme toppers. (Bowlers and bonnets and fascinators, oh my!)
/ Source: E!online

We may never again see hats as ludicrous as the ones worn by Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie to their cousin Prince William's wedding. British royals love their over-the-top headgear, and this great state occasion was no exception, as the nobility in attendance went all out with the extreme toppers. (Bowlers and bonnets and fascinators, oh my!)

Hat's on to Philip Treacy, who designed royal wedding headwear for David and Victoria Beckham, Zara Phillips and Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, just to name a few. And while we're handing out congrats, kudos to the Prime Minister's wife Samantha Cameron, who took a rebellious, non-conformist approach by wearing no hat at all, instead topping herself off with a jeweled clip. (Unforgivable violation of crazy-royal-hat etiquette or no big deal? Discuss in the comments!)

So which wacky wedding hat was tops? Decide for yourself!

PHOTOS: Crazy Royal Hats: Special Wedding Edition!