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Bow To Wow celebrates a purr-fect adoption record

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone, but the great news is we have had another banner adoption year for our segment Bow To Wow!Every month I go to Animal Care and Control in New York City and find the most wonderful dogs and cats of all ages and breeds, some with four legs and others only three, but all with one common need — to find a loving home.Well thanks to you our wonderful
Bow to Wow
Bow to wowTODAY

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone, but the great news is we have had another banner adoption year for our segment Bow To Wow!

Every month I go to Animal Care and Control in New York City and find the most wonderful dogs and cats of all ages and breeds, some with four legs and others only three, but all with one common need — to find a loving home.

Well thanks to you our wonderful viewers, we made their wishes and dreams come true. Now you can see for yourselves where over 50 precious fur angels have ended up, in wonderful places across the country! See some of the happy families in the video above.

I want to thank you all for opening up your hearts and homes to these animals in need. We are their voice, so here's to a great 2013 and another year of having a 100 percent adoption record!

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