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What have your kids ruined? And can you laugh about it now?

You know that moment when you're cooking dinner or getting some work done or just reading a good book, and you think: Wow, the kids are playing so nicely, it's so quiet right now? Then it hits you: It's quiet, all right... too quiet. So you get up to investigate, and you find something like this: The expression of pride and ownership on his face really says it all. Or this:Don't even ask how

You know that moment when you're cooking dinner or getting some work done or just reading a good book, and you think: Wow, the kids are playing so nicely, it's so quiet right now? Then it hits you: It's quiet, all right... too quiet. So you get up to investigate, and you find something like this:


 The expression of pride and ownership on his face really says it all. Or this:


Don't even ask how the Zhu Zhu pet got into her hair. Or this:


It's not easy being a green... cat.

The folks at Sh*t My Kids Ruined have been collecting photos of hilarious kid-created destruction for a little over a year now, and they've got an impressive gallery. Warning: this site may make you laugh until your sides hurt. features some of their greatest hits in a slideshow on their web site. Check it out... and submit your own.