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'Stop touching me!' Airport security screenings and kids

As everyone gears up for holiday travel, what do you think of the new TSA security screenings?Videos are popping up all over the place of young kids getting frisked by airport screeners – a 3-year-old girl screaming “stop touching me!” and a shirtless young boy surrounded by TSA officers, among others. Pretty disturbing, even if they’re just short snippets of what happened. Are these secur

As everyone gears up for holiday travel, what do you think of the new TSA security screenings?

Videos are popping up all over the place of young kids getting frisked by airport screeners – a 3-year-old girl screaming “stop touching me!” and a shirtless young boy surrounded by TSA officers, among others. Pretty disturbing, even if they’re just short snippets of what happened. Are these security measures really making us safer?

TSA chief John Pistole told the TODAY Show that  no changes are planned in security screenings, but said his agency would review its methods to make them as minimally invasive as possible.

Some fliers are staying home for the holidays this year; others are planning protests.

What about you? How would you feel if your child was singled out for a pat-down? Have you made any changes to your travel plans to avoid security screenings at airports? If you are flying, how are you preparing kids for the security process? Share your thoughts in the comments.