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Watch ‘Corn Kid’ star visit South Dakota to become official Corn-bassador

Self-described corn fanatic Tariq was honored by the South Dakota officials for his adorable TikTok video.
Screenshot of Instagram story where a boy talks about how much he loves corn
@Recess_Therapy via Instagram
/ Source: TODAY

The world still adores internet sensation "Corn Kid" Tariq. Over the weekend, the 7-year-old boy was declared South Dakota's "Official Corn-bassador."

On Saturday, Governor Kristi Noem's office tweeted an official proclamation naming Sept. 3 “Official Corn-bassador Tariq Day" with photos of the young internet star at "Corn Palace," a corn-themed tourist attraction in the city of Mitchell.

"The Corn Kid came to South Dakota’s very own @Corn_Palace!!!" read the tweet.

The proclamation described the "outstanding young man" adding, "Tariq's a-maize-ing endorsement contains more than a kernel of truth and has reached ears across the world via social media."

Related: Little boy shares all the reasons he likes corn, inspires a smash TikTok hit song

Tariq grew famous this month for his interview with the Instagram series “Recess Therapy” in which host Julian Shapiro-Barnum quizzes little kids with creative questions.

In his interview, Tariq answered questions about his favorite food. "For me, I really like corn,” he told Shapiro-Barnum. "Ever since I was told that corn was real, it tasted good."

When asked if Tariq believed that corn wasn't real, he responded. "When I tried it with butter, everything changed!"

"I mean look at this thing," exclaimed Tariq. “I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing.” 

The adorable interview — in which Tariq praised corn for being “a big lump with knobs" that should cost "one dollar" was liked almost two million times and prompted a duet by the musical group Gregory Brothers.

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On Saturday, the governor's office also shared TikTok videos of Tariq holding an ear of corn saying, "Hi South Dakota. Have a corn-tastic day!" and signing ears of corn for local fans.

South Dakota Tourism also shared photos of Tariq tweeting, "The King of Corn has arrived" and "He's got the juice!"