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See the 25 funniest parents on social media this week

These moms and dads of the internet made us laugh out loud.
/ Source: TODAY

New year, same pandemic parenting woes. Will school switch to remote learning? Is my kid wearing the right mask? Are they scarred for life? The worries are endless. Though there's nothing funny about these challenging times, science suggests that humor can ease COVID-19 stress and anxiety.

So while you wait on line for hours to get a PCR test, here’s a little comic relief. Below find some of the funniest moms and dads on social media this week. It's just what the doctor ordered!

This is so accurate.

The good old days.

He has a point.

Don't forget they'll need to pee as soon as they step outside.


Every time.

What are we watching?

And laundry.


This is going to be your year.

Every day.

Keep us posted.

Go to sleep!


They will live happily ever after.

That's the spirit!

Punny guy.

Absolutely brilliant.


It's a gift.

Parenting win.

Right there with you, Emma.

Spend that Kohl's cash, ladies!


Nailed it.
