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Keeping your kids' Halloween fears in check

It’s almost Halloween. The signs are everywhere. It’s virtually impossible to walk down the street without spying images of ghouls, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns and witches. And while it’s all in the fun, good-natured spirit of the holiday, it’s smart to remember that not everyone is impervious to the fear that is synonymous with Halloween, especially now when many decorations really up the ant

It’s almost Halloween. The signs are everywhere. It’s virtually impossible to walk down the street without spying images of ghouls, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns and witches. And while it’s all in the fun, good-natured spirit of the holiday, it’s smart to remember that not everyone is impervious to the fear that is synonymous with Halloween, especially now when many decorations really up the ante in the horrifying gore department. For the little ones in your family, Halloween can be a legitimately scary night.

Now that we’re right in the Halloween season, psychologist Gail Saltz sat down with Tamron Hall to discuss methods parents can use to help their children reconcile those fears.

Parents, have you spoken with your own children about their fears and concerns? Do you think you can recognize the signals between a fear and a phobia? What advice can you offer? Watch the video and share your thoughts in the comment section. To learn more and watch a slideshow aobut how to cope with your child's common fears, click here.