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Crib note: District sues parents for $27,911 for sending kid to wrong school

We all know that as parents, we will do whatever it takes to get our kids the best education possible. For some, that means moving to a great school district. For others, it means saying you moved to a great school district.Now, some school districts are cracking down on parents who falsely claim to be residents of the district, in order to get their kids into a better school. As the Associated Pr

We all know that as parents, we will do whatever it takes to get our kids the best education possible. For some, that means moving to a great school district. For others, it means saying you moved to a great school district.

Now, some school districts are cracking down on parents who falsely claim to be residents of the district, in order to get their kids into a better school. As the Associated Press reports, the latest case has a school district in Westport, Conn., suing parents for $27,911 -- the amount of money the district spent educating the couple's out-of-district daughter for two years.

The school's accusing the girl's parents of falsifying a registration card to make it look like she lived in the district, when the family really lived 40 minutes away. Westport's not the only district to crack down on out-of-boundary students. A nearby district has even hired private investigators to follow students (and parents) home in order to prove that they live in-district. Last year, two women, one from Connecticut and another from Ohio, got jail time for enrolling their kids in schools outside of their district.

Yes, we all want the best for our kids, but should parents be breaking the law in order to get a great education? Do you think these parents are heroes for doing whatever it takes to get their kids a stellar education or are they setting a bad example for their kids by lying and not playing by the rules?

Dana Macario is a TODAY Moms contributor and Seattle mom to two young kids.


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