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Amazon delivered diapers to this family — and they were dirty

The soiled diapers came folded in a plastic bag.

A New Jersey family says they received returned diapers from Amazon's delivery service that appeared to be soiled.

WPIX-TV reports that when Nassly Sales opened her Amazon package, she was shocked to see the diapers covered in what appeared to be fecal matter.

“I picked up the diapers, and it was a little bit heavy, I was half asleep; the lights were off. At that point, I turn on the light and that’s when I noticed these diapers are neatly-folded and they are soiled," she said.

The family showed the box of diapers to WPIX. One of the clear plastic bags had the diapers folded inside with what appear to be brown stains.

Sales says she purchases diapers for her two daughters each month from the Amazon Warehouse section which sells returned items at a discounted rate.

The Jersey City woman says she feared for her daughter's health since she was born 26 weeks premature and has a compromised immune system. Sales disinfected her nursery and even wiped down her daughter with rubbing alcohol as a precaution since her daughter got close to the diapers.

When the family called Amazon to complain, they said the customer service representative apologized for the inconvenience and offered a refund.

"And my thought was 'Wow, you are not understanding what I’m saying,'" Sid Mukherje, the children's father, said.

Sales reportedly has not had the diapers officially tested, but said the stains look and smell like fecal matter.

An Amazon spokesperson says the company worked with the family to resolve the issue.

“We work hard to provide customers with a great experience and deeply regret that this situation did not live up to our high standards,” the spokesperson said, according to WPIX.