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'They've made us better people': Moms on their Olympic kids

Affectionately known as “the moms,” Cheryl Davis and Jacqui White are as much a team as their kids, ice skaters Meryl Davis and Charlie White. "We're with each other like 24/7," Davis told TODAY's Natalie Morales. White added, "We compliment each other." Video: Meet the moms of figure skatingThe pair have been sitting in the stands together for the last 17 years, when their kids began skati
Cheryl Davis (left) and Jacqui White (right) say they are inspired by their kids.
Cheryl Davis (left) and Jacqui White (right) say they are inspired by their kids.Today

Affectionately known as “the moms,” Cheryl Davis and Jacqui White are as much a team as their kids, ice skaters Meryl Davis and Charlie White. 

"We're with each other like 24/7," Davis told TODAY's Natalie Morales. White added, "We compliment each other." 

Video: Meet the moms of figure skating

The pair have been sitting in the stands together for the last 17 years, when their kids began skating together. 

"We watch their positivity, their dedication, their focus," White said, saying that when she sees Meryl and Charlie together "it inspires you to have a better attitude about life."