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Highs and Lows: Officer tearfully signs off, kid crosses home plate as slowly as possible

Sunday TODAY's Willie Geist and Morgan Radford run through the Highs and Lows of the week, including Officer Andre Jenkins signing off after 30 years on the force, the pelicans that interrupted a Pepperdine graduation ceremony, the little league player who ran in slow-motion to home plate, and the 18-year-old who wakes up from having his wisdom teeth removed and shares his love for his girlfriend, the daughter of the surgeon operating on him.
/ Source: TODAY

Sunday TODAY’s Willie Geist and Morgan Radford run through the Highs and Lows of the week, including Officer Andre Jenkins signing off after 30 years on the force, the pelicans that interrupted a Pepperdine graduation ceremony, the little league player who ran in slow-motion to home plate, and the 18-year-old who wakes up from having his wisdom teeth removed and shares his love for his girlfriend, the daughter of the surgeon operating on him.