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Hail, Otto! Near 21, he’s now world’s oldest dog

Otto, a dachshund-terrier mix, is 20 years and 8 months old — that’s about 145 in dog years, his owners estimate — and he is being recognized for his great age by Guinness World Records.
/ Source: TODAY staff

This old dog may not be learning any new tricks, but he now holds the title as the world’s longest-lived pooch.

Otto, a dachshund-terrier mix, is 20 years and 8 months old — that’s about 145 in dog years, his owners estimate — and he is being recognized for his great age by Guinness World Records.

Lynn Jones, 53, of Shrewsbury, England, has owned Otto since he was six weeks old. She and her husband, Peter, contacted Guinness after the previous record-holder, Chanel — also a dachshund mix — recently died at age 21.