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Emma Stone eyes fall-back career if acting doesn't pan out

Emma Stone is not a typical Hollywood celebrity. Sure, she's got the looks and the personality, but there's a twinkle in her big eyes that says she's never taken this whole being famous business too seriously. And as she told TODAY's Ann Curry Tuesday, there are other career paths she has considered."I would have loved to be a journalist," she said. "I realize now as I get older I really would lov

Emma Stone is not a typical Hollywood celebrity. Sure, she's got the looks and the personality, but there's a twinkle in her big eyes that says she's never taken this whole being famous business too seriously. And as she told TODAY's Ann Curry Tuesday, there are other career paths she has considered.

"I would have loved to be a journalist," she said. "I realize now as I get older I really would love to be an editor. I think that maybe I would be better at editing than actually writing the stories. ... But acting is so different than that, so it's funny. I guess I kind of like both sides of it."

Editing is a considerably less-glamorous profession than being a movie star in films like the upcoming "The Amazing Spider-Man," so perhaps Stone made the right decision after all. She plays Gwen, Peter Parker's first love in the movie, and says it was about trying to "really get into the humanity" of the teen who would be Spider-Man. "She obviously sees a heroic quality in him even before he becomes Spider-Man."

Still, if the acting thing loses its luster one day, Stone does have that fallback passion for editing -- or possibly cooking, which is something she did during the making of the movie to relieve pressure. "While we were shooting 'Spider-Man' I was baking a lot," she admitted. "I think the control factor was very therapeutic. (There's a) scientific element to baking."

"The Amazing Spider-Man" opens on July 3.

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