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Pedophile arrested for using Facebook in Apple Store

Being legally prohibited from using the Internet means that you can't use it anywhere — not even in an Apple Store. A registered sex offender was recently reminded of this fact the hard way.The Next Web reports that Robert Nicholas McGuire, a man who was at some point busted for possession of child pornography, decided to check his Facebook account while in a California Apple Store. Unfortuna

Being legally prohibited from using the Internet means that you can't use it anywhere — not even in an Apple Store. A registered sex offender was recently reminded of this fact the hard way.

The Next Web reports that Robert Nicholas McGuire, a man who was at some point busted for possession of child pornography, decided to check his Facebook account while in a California Apple Store. 

Unfortunately for McGuire, a detective who happened to have worked his particular case was in that same Apple Store and recognized him:

When the detective recognized him, he sidled up to the computer to see what McGuire was doing. He didn’t just stop there though, he strolled up to the computer next to McGuire and logged onto the Megan’s Law website, a California-wide registry of sex offenders, and looked up McGuire’s current status.

The detective discovered that McGuire was not only still on probation, but also prohibited from using the Internet as a condition of his release. So naturally he proceeded to take him into custody.

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on Facebook.