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How we GIF now: Pinterest invaded by hundreds of moving Cumberbatches

Your Pinterest board is about to get a lot more animated. On Thursday, the company announced that it would start supporting GIFs.Don't worry, you won't be overwhelmed with a Pinterest board full of moving images. Each GiF will have a play and pause button located in the lower lefthand corner of the pin, so you can watch Jennifer Lawrence photobomb Taylor Swift at your leisure. Like Tumblr, which
Cumberbatch GIFs on Pinterest
Pinterest Cumberbatch gif.
So ... many ... Cumberbatches.Today

Your Pinterest board is about to get a lot more animated. On Thursday, the company announced that it would start supporting GIFs.

Don't worry, you won't be overwhelmed with a Pinterest board full of moving images. Each GiF will have a play and pause button located in the lower lefthand corner of the pin, so you can watch Jennifer Lawrence photobomb Taylor Swift at your leisure. 

Like Tumblr, which introduced a GIF selfie tool in July, Pinterest has fully embraced the GIF. So far, early posts pretty much fall into two categories.

Sexy British men
Do you enjoy the work of famed British actor Tom Hiddleston, star of the mega-blockbuster "The Avengers?" Well, today is your lucky day. Fans of One Direction's Harry Styles and "Sherlock" star Benedict Cumberbatch will also be privy to plenty of U.K.-based eye candy.

Korean pop stars
If you love Girls Generation, then you will love this new Pinterest feature. (If you're not familiar with K-pop, don't worry, you can get a taste of it on Monday's "The Bachelor.")

That, more or less, is it. Eventually we assume Pinterest users will start posting other GIFs on their boards, perhaps of gently rising Nutella brownies and golden light filtering onto carefully arranged bookcases. 

Keith Wagstaff writes about technology for NBC News. He previously covered the tech beat for TIME's Techland and wrote about politics as a staff writer at You can follow him on Twitter at @kwagstaff and reach him by email at: