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Google's Schmidt tells Tina Fey to ditch iPhone

If you're a fan of "30 Rock," you've seen Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and other characters using iPhones. When Fey recently visited Google recently for a "fireside chat" with executive chairman Eric Schmidt, that became a bone of contention.Fey made it clear how important her phone is to her. She said she has "4,000 photos" of her 5-year-old, Alice, on her real-life personal iPhone, everything from Ali
Tina Fey with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt.
Tina Fey with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt.Google/YouTube / Today

If you're a fan of "30 Rock," you've seen Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and other characters using iPhones. When Fey recently visited Google recently for a "fireside chat" with executive chairman Eric Schmidt, that became a bone of contention.

Fey made it clear how important her phone is to her. She said she has "4,000 photos" of her 5-year-old, Alice, on her real-life personal iPhone, everything from Alice's first day of pre-school to when she went to the Emmys with mom.

"The phone is a good way to see what you're actually really doing in your life," Fey said.

Schmidt quickly retorted, "Yes, and we want you to use a more powerful phone." His remark was met with howls of laughter from Google employees in the audience, as well as Fey herself.

Fey was asked what other personal technology she uses. In addition to a computer (she didn't specify what kind), she has an iPad. "Is that bad?" she asked. Some Googlers in the audience murmured over that, but were interrupted by Schmidt.

"C'mon guys, we have lots of Google services on these products," he said. And Fey readily admits to using those products — she says she "uses Google a lot," but said does not like to Google herself because the results can be annoying, depending on the gossip of the day.

You can watch the full, hour-long Fey-Schmidt YouTube video below (The phone issue is brought up at about 25:04). If you don't have that kind of time, Gawker has also put together a swell 4-minute synopsis, "The Funniest Moments from Tina Fey’s Google Visit."

Don't look for an Android phone any time soon on "30 Rock," though. While Fey, author of "Bossypants," may personally be an Apple fan, the company pays for such network TV product placement.

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Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney, who thinks Tina Fey is the best thing to happen to comedy, for women and all humans, in a long time. Also, is an NBC Universal-Microsoft joint venture, but even if she was on CBS, ABC or whatever network — or phone — Tina Fey rules.